Sweet Sensation Caffè Bonini
A warm, enveloping scent wafting from the brew is reminiscent of the flavors of the mountain cabin, grandma's raisin cake , warm apple.
Sweet and tasty, all worth trying.
Sweet and tasty, all worth trying.
- Brand Caffè Bonini
- Category The e Tisane
- Ingredients Pezzetti di mela e carota, rapa rossa, uvetta, ananas candito, aromi, fiordaliso.
- Intensity 0
- Net weight 80.00 Grammi
- System The e tisane

Gimoka Cream Coffee
Gluten-free and lactose-free, Gimoka's coffee creamer is a creamy drink that comes from the combination of high-quality Italian milk from a certified supply chain and coffee from the best origins selected by Gimoka.